Public Sector Lending

Public sector operations are central to the OPEC Fund’s work. All OPEC Fund-supported operations are aligned with its partner countries’ development priorities.  

Approvals by Focus Area

Total approvals: US$ 19,664.50m

  • Transportation
  • Energy
  • Multisectoral
  • Agriculture
  • Water & Sanitation
  • Education
  • Health
  • Financial
  • Industry
  • Telecom
Amounts under US$.09m may not be reflected in this chart.

Public sector operations are co-financed with the governments of recipient countries and frequently with other donors, including regional development banks, UN agencies and the bilateral and multilateral development agencies of OPEC member countries. This is in keeping with the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation and the four shared principles of development: ownership of development priorities by developing countries; a focus on results; inclusive partnerships; and transparency and accountability. To encourage sustainability, the OPEC Fund’s public sector operations also focus on capacity building and institution strengthening. 
