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- Focus Areas
- Financial
A strong and resilient economy provides the foundations for sustainable economic and social development.
The OPEC Fund finances operations that support decent work and economic growth, and industry, innovation and infrastructure (United Nations SDGs 8 and 9). The OPEC Fund is particularly keen to support micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, which often lack access to credit in emerging markets, but also form the backbone of those economies, providing jobs and helping to raise living standards.
In 2023, the OPEC Fund committed more than US$170 million to the financial sector.
Commitments are operations and agreements that have been signed by the relevant parties.
Approvals by Region
Total approvals: US$ 2,826.64m
- Asia
- Africa
- Latin America & Caribbean
- Europe
- Global
Approvals by Financing Types
Total approvals: US$ 2,826.64m
Supporting SMEs
Supporting SMEs, Agro and WSMEs in Dominican Republic
Supporting Small & Medium Enterprises & Green Energy Projects
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